23 items tagged with security

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Security & Privacy

How Much Security is Needed?

January 21, 2004 - Not all security measures are appropriate in all situations. You need to consider the value of the information being protected when designing a security system. Also, some novel approaches to preventing dictionary attacks.

Business & Strategy

Ecommerce liability

June 19, 2003 - Guess has been fined by the government for leaving their Web site open to known security vulnerabilities. What affect will this have on your business?

User Experience

Broken aggregator

January 17, 2003 - Bad feeds have broken my aggregator. This problem could be exploited by a malicious attacker.

Security & Privacy

Minority Security Report

December 18, 2002 - Tom Cruise demonstrates poor security administration practices.

Security & Privacy

Deny everything

October 3, 2002 - When thinking security, only open what is neccessary. Block everything else, including the unknown.

Content Management

Process Tags security update

August 6, 2002 - You’ll want to read this if you use the Process Tags Movable Type plugin.

Security & Privacy

How to hack our site

June 16, 2002 - The New York Times has an embarassing secret.

Ignoring Security Alerts

March 6, 2002 - When a programmer found a security hole in Guess’s Web site that allowed him to...

Security & Privacy

Secure Code

March 4, 2002 - I read a review of what sounds like an interesting book, "Writing Secure Code" by...

Security & Privacy

Application firewalls

February 25, 2002 - As companies secure their physical networks with firewalls and strict security policies, hackers are turning...

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