How to advance your Product Market Fit KPI (October 10, 2020) Finding the gaps in your product that will unlock the next round of growth.
5 items tagged with productmarketfit
Related tags: productmanagement measurement customerdevelopment kpi netpromoter
How to understand your product and your market (September 9, 2020) A customer development question you can ask to find out who your product is best for and why they'll love it.
The KPI that measures Product-Market Fit (September 9, 2020) If you ask this question to a different small group of your users every week, you can measure trends over time to determine if you're moving toward product-market fit.
Don't use NPS to measure user happiness for enterprise software (September 9, 2020) Measuring the satisfaction and enjoyment of end users is a key to unlocking product-led growth. Net Promoter Score is the wrong tool for this.
Ask One Question To Help You Reach Product-Market Fit (September 9, 2020) Learn what adjacent problems you need to solve to become twice as valuable to your customers.