Developer Experience Principle 6: Easy to Maintain (October 10, 2020) Keeping your product Easy to Maintain will improve the lives of your team and your customers. It will help keep your docs up to date. Your SDKs and APIs will be released in sync. Your tooling and overall experience will shine.
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Developer Experience Principle 3: Easy to Build (October 10, 2020) A product makes it Easy to Build by focusing on productivity for developers building real-world applications.
Developer Experience Principle 2: Easy to Use (September 9, 2020) Making it Easy to Use means letting the developer do everything without involving you.
Developer Experience Principle 1: Easy to Understand (September 9, 2020) To create a great developer experience, you must strive for a product that is Easy to Understand. Reduce the amount of thinking that someone needs to do. Make their first encounter with your product clear and easy.