Need someone to lead product management at your software company? I build high-craft software and the teams that build it. I'm looking for my next opportunity. Check out my resume and get in touch.

This is the blog of Adam Kalsey. Unusual depth and complexity. Rich, full body with a hint of nutty earthiness.

November 2006 Archives

Sun likes it November 29, 2006
Wherein Sun’s CEO links to the Startup Essentials pricing I published.

Sun Startup Essentials pricing November 28, 2006
Here’s the complete price list for the Sun Startup Essentials program.

Frank Demmler archives at Texas Startup Blog November 25, 2006
Easy access to Frank Demmler’s financing essays.

Amazon Shipping indicator November 25, 2006
Amazon could help customers by showing them earlier if an item can be shipped for free.

DRM, vinyl, and the future November 22, 2006
You can still play your old music today. Will you be able to play today’s music in the future?

Graffletopia November 21, 2006
Graffletopia is a directory for OnmiGraffle stencils. Yummy....

High volume subscriptions via IM November 21, 2006
It seems a bit counter-intuitive, but I’m finding that the best way for me to keep up with high-volume feeds is to get them out of my reader and into Feed Crier.

Textmate for Windows November 21, 2006
Textmate for Windows? Not quite, but pretty darn close....

MySQL Bar charts November 21, 2006
Clever use of the MySQL command line and REPEAT() to create bar charts of your...

Sacramento Entrepreneurs Dinner November 20, 2006
The next edition of the Sacramento dinners will be Dec 1.

SOAP Sucks -- Long live REST November 20, 2006
How does SOAP suck? Let me count the ways.

Play offices November 17, 2006
When you turn your office into a fantasy playland, you get Inventionland.

Zune Marketplace Confusion November 14, 2006
Zune Marketplace’s Absurd Pricing Scheme—"What you are in fact doing is giving an...

Google Blog Search. Now in lowercase. November 13, 2006
Google’s started converting most blog search results to lowercase. Odd.

Remote Desktop and OSX November 13, 2006
Windows Remote Desktop on the Mac is very nice indeed.

Sun's used-car pricing November 13, 2006
Why’s Sun trying to hide their prices?

Opening Java November 13, 2006
The legal difficulties involved in open sourcing Java.

Political recorded messages November 5, 2006
Automated political telemarketing is getting out of hand.

Meridian Project Systems acquired November 5, 2006
Yet another local acquisition. Meridian Project Systems has been acquired....

EcoPhones tries to justify their spam November 1, 2006
A spammer responds. He just doesn’t get it.

TechCrunch Disclosure November 1, 2006
"No one should think TechCrunch is objective or conflict-free. We aren’t. We never have been....