January 2003 Archives
What's in it for me?
Your customer’s personal information is valuable. Don’t expect them to give it to you for free.
Patching Aggie's referrer
A patch for Aggie to fix the broken referrer header.
Referral Abuse
Aggregators are misusing the http referrer header to identify themselves.
Crude remote server availabity checking
Check your server availability with Google Translate.
Is this the end?
Spammers are starting to figure out SpamAssassin.
Laptop usability
I wish my laptop was better able to detect changes in my work states.
Library Access
Always be on the lookout to provide additional value to your customers, especially if you can do it without adding any cost.
Rethinking Warchalking
Warchalks are just advertising for open wireless networks.
Color Correction
Letting people see your products in every available color combination is a good idea. Just make sure that you’re showing the right colors.
Another reason for favicons
Including a favicon for your site makes it easier for people using tabbed browsers.
Jury Duty
I’m on jury duty next week, so I’m looking for WiFi near the courthouse.
Broken aggregator
Bad feeds have broken my aggregator. This problem could be exploited by a malicious attacker.
Prices anyone?
Product reviews need to provide more complete product information.
External Links in new windows
Alter the behavior of external links in Movable Type.
A Movable Type plugin for plugin developers. Let people use expressions like <MTFoo bar="[MTEntryBody encode_xml="1"]"> in your plugins.
Worth quoting
Penn Gillette on professionalism.
Spam humor
Cruising through the spam that SpamAssassin caught in the last month, I came across some funny messages.
Small Businesses missing the Web
Many small businesses don’t think they need a Web site. But having a site can enhance any business, save money, and increase revenue.