Need someone to lead product management at your software company? I create software for people that create software and I'm looking for my next opportunity. Check out my resume and get in touch.

This is the blog of Adam Kalsey. Unusual depth and complexity. Rich, full body with a hint of nutty earthiness.

Development Archives

Developer Experience Principle 6: Easy to Maintain October 17, 2020
Keeping your product Easy to Maintain will improve the lives of your team and your customers. It will help keep your docs up to date. Your SDKs and APIs will be released in sync. Your tooling and overall experience will shine.

Developer Experience Principle 5: Easy to Trust October 9, 2020
A developer building part of their business on your product needs to believe that you’re going to do the right thing for them and their customers.

Developer Experience Principle 4: Easy to Get Help October 8, 2020
The faster you can unblock a stuck developer, the better their experience will be.

Developer Experience Principle 3: Easy to Build October 5, 2020
A product makes it Easy to Build by focusing on productivity for developers building real-world applications.

Developer Experience Principle 2: Easy to Use September 28, 2020
Making it Easy to Use means letting the developer do everything without involving you.

Developer Experience Principle 1: Easy to Understand September 25, 2020
To create a great developer experience, you must strive for a product that is Easy to Understand. Reduce the amount of thinking that someone needs to do. Make their first encounter with your product clear and easy.

The Components of A Developer Experience September 19, 2020
Making your API a well-rounded product will help developers decide if your API is right for them and help grow their usage.

Principles of Developer Experience: An Introduction September 15, 2020
You can create a great developer experience for everything you build. Introducing the six principles of developer experience.

Speaking for Geeks: Your Slides December 17, 2015
Tips and tricks for creating great slides.

Speaking for Geeks: Writing Your Talk December 14, 2015
Don’t wait until the night before the talk to write it. Crazy, I know.

Speaking for Geeks: Tell a Story December 13, 2015
Telling a story keeps your presentation focused, keeps your audience interested, and makes it easier for you to remember your talk.

Speaking for Geeks: Where to speak December 11, 2015
You’ve got a great idea for a talk. How do you find conferences to submit it to?

Speaking for Geeks: Getting your session accepted December 10, 2015
Your conference speaking submissions are not getting accepted because they’re bad. Here’s how to make them better.

Speaking for Geeks: What Should I Talk About? December 9, 2015
Don’t wait for that conference to come calling before you start planning for it.

You should speak at conferences. Yes, you. December 8, 2015
Developers, you should give talks at conferences and your local meetups. It’s easier than you think, and you’ll improve your career.

MySQL inadequecies February 9, 2013
This guy seriously hates MySQL and helps you understand how to use it better.

Versioning REST February 16, 2006
Ideas on how to version a REST interface and examples of this implementation in Tagyu.

Stupid cell phone tricks January 6, 2005
An easy way to get text messages to mobile phones.

How not to apply for a job September 24, 2004
Applying for a job isn’t that hard, but it does take some minimal effort and common sense.

XHTML Services? January 1, 2004
Jon Udell says that intranets should abandon Web services like SOAP and REST in favor of screen scraping XHTML. Hogwash.

Look for updates November 7, 2003
Make sure you look for software updates before spending lots of time trying to troubleshoot problems.

ALTer September 24, 2003
A short Perl program to automatically add alt text to every image tag on a site.

FrontPage use September 20, 2003
FrontPage can be used to help you get Web content out of MS Word documents.

Fault Tolerance August 27, 2003
How well will your servers stand up to the truly unexpected

Zen development June 28, 2003
Bill Zeller explains the idea behind iterative programming and the release early release often mentality with a short zen parable.

Snoopy June 14, 2003
Snoopy is a PHP class for developing Web clients. It can submit forms, grab pages, scrape text, and more.

Clearly marking your staging server May 21, 2003
A quick and dirty way to help you distinguish between your development, staging, and production servers on Web projects.

Filename regex April 4, 2003
Regular expression for removing invalid characters from a Windows filename.

Performance Tuning and Optimizing ASP.NET Applications April 2, 2003
A good friend has a a new book out.

C++ Web Services February 3, 2003
Looking for a XML-RPC library.

Patching Aggie's referrer January 31, 2003
A patch for Aggie to fix the broken referrer header.

Crude remote server availabity checking January 25, 2003
Check your server availability with Google Translate.

Automatic Keywords November 26, 2002
The problem with machine generated metadata is that it’s not always accurate.

More XSL tips November 7, 2001
On the subject of XSL, Web Developer’s Virtual Library has a huge list of resources,...

XSL Introduction November 7, 2001
SitePoint has a decent introductory tutorial on XSL. They give a sample document and walk...

Directory browsing in IIS October 30, 2001
Note to the person that got to my site searching for "iis directory browsing turn...

URL regex October 25, 2001
A Regex that matches URLs....

Perl sync October 24, 2001
Fsync is a Perl script which allows for file synchronization between remote hosts...

Into to Tcl/Tk October 18, 2001
IBM developerWorks has a nifty tutorial to introduce you to Tcl/TK. (Free registration required)...