Currently Reading
Daily Reading from February 12, 2011
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12 Feb 2011
Links to what I’ve been reading recently.
- Broken Links — I’ve been getting madder and madder about the increasing use of dorky web links; for example, has become!/timbray. Others have too; see Breaking the Web with hash-bangs and Going Postel. It dawns on me that a word ...
- 30 Ways to be Intimate With Your Wife — Post written by Sean Platt of Writer Dad. Intimacy can be defined in many ways. But if you’re a dude, your brain probably went exactly where mine would have; the nape of a neck, the curve of a breast, ...
- Secrets Of Freemium Pricing: Make The Cheapskates Pay
- The Three Functions of a Management Team — "The Three Functions of a Management Team After my quarterly Return Path exec team offsite last week, my team and I were rehashing the day’s conversation over dinner. Was it a good day or a bad day? An upper or ..."
- Yep, TechStars just open sourced the Seed Accelerator model
- A month is fifteen weekends — "Lean Startup Machine is the brainchild of Trevor Owens, Josh Horn, and Ben Fisher, a hackathon-style competition where teams come together on a Friday evening and build a brand new startup – by Sunday. It’s an impossibly short amount of ..."