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This is the blog of Adam Kalsey. Unusual depth and complexity. Rich, full body with a hint of nutty earthiness.

Chrometa in Inc

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Congrats to my friend Brett Owens and his Sacramento area time tracking startup Chrometa for getting some press in an Inc magazine article about working with angel investors.

Keeping potential investors in the loop without asking for money has changed the dynamic of his relationship. Owens says investors have taken a much more active interest in his success; indeed, now they call him with business advice.

Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.


January 16, 2009 7:30 AM

I first heard about this in November when I tripped over your article on SacStarts. Chrometa looks to be much easier than sifting through "independent contractors" or new hires history to be sure they are staying on track. I can say that I am little intimidated not only to know what employees really do with their time...but myself as well. I always say time flies and never really pay attention to how much of my day is eatin up by things like those little blogs you visit throughout your day (this blogs i feel would have a huge chuck of the pie) great plug for Chrometa - it is definitely gaining speed now.

January 28, 2009 9:21 PM

Although I always like hearing success stories because they give me motivation, I thoroughly enjoyed the article that preceded Brett's plug. Great tips. Unfortunately the few areas that were covered on this article are the things companies tend to 'not' do. Gray hair and experience is quickly replaced with cheap youth, the side by side charts a tossed to the side and upper management refuses to let go from 'what we should be making' ('should be' is never a good place to do business). The up coming business landscape is only really understood by those who have successfully survived it. Great article. Excellent story! Truly motivating. A little plug for the software I use for time tracking that is

March 19, 2009 7:05 PM

Wow, that's a pretty neat piece of software. I can see how contractors could get a lot of use out of it. Absolutely, congrats on the press it's a really great article, INC Magazine is awesome. I love reading about successful bootstrappers (80k is a big leap of faith and shows investors they're serious).

April 11, 2009 7:30 AM

Congrats to Brett. It's even harder to deal with angels in 2009 during recession.

This discussion has been closed.

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