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This is the blog of Adam Kalsey. Unusual depth and complexity. Rich, full body with a hint of nutty earthiness.

EcoPhones on MSNBC

Freshness Warning
This blog post is over 16 years old. It's possible that the information you read below isn't current and the links no longer work.

Over on MSNBC there’s an article about cell phone recycling that mentions my spam complaints about EcoPhones.

Some others aren’t so happy with the company. Last year Adam Kalsey, a Cubmaster and blogger in Gold River, Calif., accused EcoPhones of “spamming” Boy Scout leaders whose e-mail addresses are listed on local packs’ Web sites. Parra acknowledged that EcoPhones sends marketing messages to teachers, pastors and others affiliated with schools, churches and community groups, but she said the company gives all recipients a chance to opt out of its mailing list as required by the federal CAN-SPAM Act.

You’d think the author of the story would have contacted me about it before publication, especially since they talked to an EcoPhones rep. It’s not like my contact info is hard to find (it’s at the bottom of every page on this site).

Jennifer Parra from EcoPhones says that they let people opt out. Never mind that an opt-out policy for people who haven’t volunteered their contact information is a bad idea. But EcoPhones doesn’t honor opt out requests. Prior to blogging about their spam a couple of years ago, I’d emailed the company and asked them to no longer contact our Cub Scout pack. Since blogging about the spam, I’ve received several more email messages. The email address that they were spamming no longer comes to me, so who knows how much more spam they’ve sent.

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