ServerBeach outage?
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26 Feb 2007
ServerBeach is a dedicated hosting provider that’s popular among the web 2.0 crowd. Companies like Automattic, TailRank, YouTube, Dogster, and MyBlogLog all have servers there*. That’s where Feed Crier’s servers are, and several other startups I’m involved in are there too.
Starting this morning, Feed Crier started behaving oddly. A few minutes ago, all the bots went offline. The front page of the Web site stopped showing the blog items, essentially meaning that the page can’t find the blog’s RSS feed. I can see the feed. I can log into the Jabber server. But applications on Feed Crier’s servers can’t find other Feed Crier servers.
What’s more the server can’t do DNS lookups on sites like, even though those servers are obviously up and running.
I headed over to Server Beach to report the problem, and I got this:
Until these issues are resolved, expect some intermittent uptime from Feed Crier.
(* Or did in the past. I would imagine that YouTube has been moved to Google’s datacenters and MyBlogLog is probably moving as well.)