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RSSCache: spammers
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14 Oct 2004
If you have a product you want to market towards bloggers, perhaps spamming them won’t get you the type of attention you’re looking for. I got the same email that Chris did. The address it was sent to is only in my feed. They’re scraping email addresses out of feeds and spamming them. Nice.
In addition to using spam, they’re also using deceptive marketing practices to promote their tool. In the
example of the feeds that use their system they list feeds from Slashdot, Penny Arcade, and Blogger. As far as I can tell, none of these sites are actually using RSSCache. The RSS feeds they serve up seem to come from their own servers, not those belonging to RSSCache. So the folks behind RSSCache are trying to make it seem as if these sites are clients of theirs. The point behind RSSCache is to save the site owner bandwidth. I’m sure that Slashdot and Google need help with that.