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This is the blog of Adam Kalsey. Unusual depth and complexity. Rich, full body with a hint of nutty earthiness.


Stop the music

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I’ve been viewing a lot of sites while reviewing for BlogSnob and I’m a bit annoyed. What’s with all the music on people’s sites? Is this 1998 again?

In case you were thinking about having your favorite tune load up when people visit your site — don’t. It takes a long time to load. The sound quality generally stinks. It crashes some browsers. And most of all, your musical tastes are not likely the same as all of your visitors. I have my own musical selections, thank you. I don’t need to hear yours.


Rich Z
March 29, 2004 7:23 AM

Amen! In fact I make it a point to close the browser window or browse away from the offending site in question. I haven't yet run across any blogs with music and I'm not looking forward to it.

April 1, 2004 8:39 AM

Ha ha ha the most annoying thing in the whole world. Apart from piles.

April 5, 2004 1:46 AM

Generally I couldn't agree more -- there's nothing as annoying as being forced to reach for the speakers when visiting a site. BUT here's a photoblog where the music is one of the reasons for visiting: I've even bought some CDs as a result of stuff I've heard here. (Interesting, considering that such use of MP3s is technically illegal.) Note that the implementation is friendly: music doesn't play by default, only on demand. (At least in my browser.) And the site is unashamedly broadband -- no compromising in photo quality, nor audio. p.s. I think your last sentence -- "I have my own musical selections, thank you. I don’t need to hear yours" -- is slightly disingenuous when talking about blogs.

April 17, 2004 4:50 PM

Yes, normally music on sites is annoying as, if not more than, getting a toothpick shoved in your eye very slowly. But, on blogs, I think they're perfectly acceptable. Blogs are places for the author's tastes, opinions, interests, and lifestyle, so they can do whatever they want there, IMHO. However, on normal sites, which are for the public, for people to view, and for people to be able to use and enjoy, they shouldn't be used. It's annoying, unprofessional, and will drive viewers/ readers away.

April 17, 2004 10:45 PM

Funny story about that... For a website forum I help review some sites... One person's I looked at recently (a blog) had four different songs you could choose from load up on the side of his site... It was driving me nuts, because no matter how hard I tried to convince him to drop it, he was adament about keeping it... But on the positive I guess its better than the video he was loading up before I started with him =-)

Tim Macalpine
May 18, 2004 8:31 PM

"What’s with all the music on people’s sites? Is this 1998 again?" Now, that's pretty funny! I came across a blog about a week ago that played some inane song and didn't have a button to click to turn the darn thing off. Argh. Why scare your audience away? I guarantee the folks who really like to be greeted with music when they visit a site are in the minority. Tim

This discussion has been closed.

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