6 items tagged with ebay

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Tagyu API ideas

October 17, 2005 - Some mashups you could create with the Tagyu API and some other web services APIs.


Refurb IBM on Ebay

July 9, 2003 - IBM is using Ebay as a sales channel to sell refurbished products.


Comment responsibility

May 6, 2003 - EBay’s win in a recent lawsuit might have an impact on comments made on your weblog.


Landspeeder for sale

September 5, 2002 - A full-size Star Wars Land Speeder for sale on eBay.

News and Commentary


September 4, 2002 - A well-executed use of online satire in the California Governor’s race.


MGB On eBay

January 26, 2002 - Emma, my beloved 67 MGB roadster, is for sale.