Site Management Archives
Is an API really needed?
Could your web site become your next API?
LiveJournal Power-loss post-mortem
A detailed account of real-world disaster recovery at LiveJournal.
Alternate URLs
What happens if someone visits Or doesn’t add the www? Will they still find your site?
A short Perl program to automatically add alt text to every image tag on a site.
Fault Tolerance
How well will your servers stand up to the truly unexpected
Optimizing your RSS feed
How to reduce your bandwidth expenses by optimizing your RSS feed.
URIs are forever
Once you put a document online, links will point to that address forever.
Blogroll autodiscovery
An automated way for machines to find and process your blogroll would benefit applications like Feedster as well as making it easier for tools to find related weblogs.
Bad call
Telephone services are very reliable and broadband is not. Think carefully before switching your telephone service to run over your cable modem.
RSS contents
If you’re going to provide an RSS feed, make it worthwhile.
Feed overload
How to ban someone from requesting a Web page and give them alternate content instead.
Referral Abuse
Aggregators are misusing the http referrer header to identify themselves.
Color Correction
Letting people see your products in every available color combination is a good idea. Just make sure that you’re showing the right colors.
Prices anyone?
Product reviews need to provide more complete product information.