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This is the blog of Adam Kalsey. Unusual depth and complexity. Rich, full body with a hint of nutty earthiness.

Copyright Archives

Aereo: a parable June 26, 2014
Here’s why people who understand both technology and copyright law think the Supreme Court’s Aereo decision defies common sense.

Feed usage and copyright January 16, 2005
A trademark lawyer has requested that Bloglines stop including his feed. The complaint? That Bloglines is a commercial service.

Broadcast Flag November 11, 2003
Piracy is certainly a problem, but technological solutions that trample on consumer’s rights are abhorrent.

RIAA inflation December 18, 2002
RIAA claims that the Internet is killing the music buisiness. Are they telling the truth?

Movable Designs September 19, 2002
Stolen MT designs show up in Radio.

Plug Hollywood's hole June 14, 2002
Hollywood wants to outlaw every device that might be able to make unauthorized copies of copyrighted works.

Use the bathroom, go to jail May 6, 2002
Jamie Kellner is the CEO if Turner Broadcasting System and he thinks that you aren’t...

DCMA goes to court March 4, 2002
In their case against the government over violation of the DCMA, Elcomsoft plans to argue...

Copy protection loses in court February 23, 2002
ZDNet | Copy-protected CD makers lose battle: "The companies have agreed to stop tracking personally...

Who owns music? February 23, 2002
The recording industry keeps suing online music companies for copyright violation. They have destroyed’s...

Criminal Customers February 23, 2002
The recording, television, and motion picture industries are treating their customer base as if they...

Movies online February 20, 2002 | MGM Testing Online Movie Distribution: "MGM has teamed with CinemaNow Inc., an Internet...

Supreme Court To Hear Copyright Extension Case February 19, 2002
Wired News | High Court Hears Copyright Case: "In a case initiated by an Internet...

Gillmor on the PVR lawsuit February 13, 2002
Dan Gillmor | Entertainment industry’s copyright fight puts consumers in cross hairs: "If the business...

The Crime of Sharing February 12, 2002
New Architect: The Crime of Sharing "Over the last several years, the entertainment industry has...

Common Licenses February 11, 2002
Lawrence Lessig is creating a set of licenses for software developers, artists, and writers to...

Criminal Recording February 11, 2002
MGM, Fox, Universal Studios and Orion Pictures have filed a lawsuit that claims that it’s...

Napster Alternative April 28, 2000
The music revolution has begun.