Need someone to lead product management at your software company? I build high-craft software and the teams that build it. I'm looking for my next opportunity. Check out my resume and get in touch.

This is the blog of Adam Kalsey. Unusual depth and complexity. Rich, full body with a hint of nutty earthiness.

April 2001 Archives

Netscape broke my news feeds! April 28, 2001
Netscape has broken my News pages (no longer online). Read on for a simplified explanation...

Repossesed April 26, 2001
iMotors has shut down operations. They are running out of cash. They will still honor...

Let's get nostalgic April 25, 2001
Some people have too much time on their hands. See what I mean....

WebVan Problems April 24, 2001
WebVan is closing yet another market—the one where I live. Here’s the email...

King's Basketball April 22, 2001
Christina and I went to the first Kings playoff game today. They lost by 3,...

61* April 20, 2001
Wired has a story on Billy Crystal’s HBO film 61*. The story talks about the...

webHancer Update April 17, 2001
A few readers have let me know that webHancer is now being installed with AudioGalaxy,...

It hurts April 17, 2001
Several people have asked how it feels to have ecommerce knowledge coming out the wazoo....

Laid Off April 16, 2001
I’ve become a victim of the Internet economy downturn. I was working for Rare Medium’s...

Scient joins the pack April 13, 2001
Scient plans to lay off a whopping 64% of their employees. The CFO resigned. 175...

WebVan weirdness April 13, 2001
George Sheehan left the top post at Anderson Consulting to head up WebVan. Now he’s...

More good news for internet consultants. April 13, 2001
MarchFirst is in chapter 11. They’re selling all sorts of assets, including spinning some of...

Drinks on me April 12, 2001
I was looking for some cheesy 80s drink recipies. I got a few at WebTender....

Customize your machine April 12, 2001
Iconfactory (which is run by a friend of a friend) creates ultracool icons for Macs...

Internet Explorer 6 Beta Released April 5, 2001
Internet Explorer 6 Beta Released Microsoft has released a beta version of their latest browser....

MarchFirst slashing 1,700 jobs Internet April 2, 2001
MarchFirst slashing 1,700 jobs Internet consulting shop MarchFirst is in a freefall. At last check...