Need someone to lead product management at your software company? I create software for people that create software and I'm looking for my next opportunity. Check out my resume and get in touch.

This is the blog of Adam Kalsey. Unusual depth and complexity. Rich, full body with a hint of nutty earthiness.


Comments for How not to apply for a job

Excerpt: Applying for a job isn’t that hard, but it does take some minimal effort and common sense. Read the whole article…

Richard Vasquez
September 24, 2004 7:05 PM

It's a shame you had what was probably an "interesting" amount of such submissions that you got piqued enough to post this. The instructions were straightforward and easy to follow, from my perspective. I had thought about applying, since it felt like a good match, but my promise to myself that I was actually going to finish my degree this time around no matter how attractive a job sounded kept me from doing so. Good luck on filling that spot.

Trackback from Neil's Smaller World
September 25, 2004 1:32 AM

How not to apply for a job

Excerpt: Adam Kalsey: How not to apply for a job

September 25, 2004 4:27 PM

And you often need to hire such people? ;-)

September 26, 2004 9:57 PM

Hey, I object to the dig about building ASP front ends to Access databases...haha.

Trackback from inluminent/linkblog
September 29, 2004 9:01 PM

How not to apply for a job

Excerpt: focused on developers, but a good read for job seekers.

Ngwatung Akamangwa
October 29, 2004 3:36 AM

Hi there! This is more than tips you've got here! Until I read this stuff I'd never have known I've spent over two years after my BSc killing my chances of getting hired!

September 28, 2005 10:03 PM

My husband has a Bachelor in CS and didn't quite complete his thesis in Masters of Cumputer Graphics. He's having a terrible time finding a job. Do you have any advice?

January 5, 2006 1:26 PM

My nephew wants to grow up and work on computers. He is terrible at spelling. When brought to his attention that spelling is important in computer work, he replied "That is what spell check is for"! But spell check can only catch errors, not grammar errors. I have seen many Project Mangers come my way. That extra A is quite important, since manger is a word, spell check whizzes right over it. I have gotten resumes that say... hi, i'm looking for a job. if you hire me, you wont be sorry. And the one that said" I am interesting in this and any position" So, spell check, grammar check and have a friend who knows spelling and grammar, check before you send off your resume. Also, it is a good idea to paste your resume into a txt file. If you use a lot of columns, you will see how the information gets tumbled around. Many recruiters store your resume as a txt file and save in a file that can be keyword searched. If you come up in a search and the resume is not readable, they will move on to the next one. So, if you have a word resume, keep it simple. Another thing is if you have more than 5 years exp, putting it all on one page is no longer a good idea. A good idea is to have a basic resume and then to have the "long" version with full details, available upon request. Good Luck!

February 15, 2006 12:25 PM

Hello! I think I searched with the right words ("how to apply for a job"), because a reached this site. Thanks for the tips, but let me tell you that my mother tonge is not English, so you should be a litle less worried about the "spell check". Even so, I'd like you to correct my gramar or sintasis errors. What I'm really looking for is a sample of a good Curriculum Vitae in English, so I can write my own Curriculum. I have an Universitary degree in Physical Geography and It's a shame that I'm not abble to put it in the right words for an appliance in other countries than mine. Thanks again, and I hope you read my comment (If it's not too much trouble...Please write me back!).

Eric Yeoman
April 2, 2007 8:17 AM

Hi, So, would you give yourself a job as a developer :-) "If you have sloppy spelling, capitalization, and spelling in your cover letter I’ll expect that your code as the same sort of problems." I that reckon should be: "If you have sloppy spelling, capitalization, and spelling in your cover letter, I’ll expect that your code has the same sort of problems."

Derek Gebo
April 2, 2007 2:48 PM

I'm 14 and I needed to know this for a shcool project so when I read this it helped me a lot, Thank You.

June 14, 2007 7:52 PM

"I don’t even look at those emails I get with Word attachments, no code samples, no information about availability or your location. I simply file them away in case I ever have a need to hire a developer that doesn’t know how to follow directions." Typical pompousness from your industry on display again.

January 10, 2008 10:18 AM

To bring this point home further, count how many time spelling exists in this sentence. “If you have sloppy spelling, capitalization, and spelling in your cover letter I’ll expect that your code as the same sort of problems.”

Adam Kalsey
January 10, 2008 8:58 PM

Tam, That would be a joke.

November 13, 2008 12:15 PM

My problem is that,when i try to speak english. i can't speak it im scared that, i won't make an interview right.

November 13, 2008 12:47 PM

my problem is that, when i try, to speak english.I can't, speak it im scared that, i won't make a good interview.

July 1, 2009 3:22 AM

hello, i am from Slovakia, i am working like a accountant in shared services in slovakia... i would like to start work in foreign country like UK or another english speaking countries... cause i want to know new people and also improve my english... i just dont know how to reply for job in England for example. coul somebody help me????

This discussion has been closed.

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