How to be a successful consultant (January 1, 2004) Jeff Nichols starts a new series on the role of an analyst.
4 items tagged with jeffnichols
Related tags: consulting movabletype writing andersjacobsen billzeller
New project and identities (January 1, 2004) I've started a new project that has me musing about my professional identity.
EntryCount plugin (December 12, 2003) A Movable Type plugin that displays a running total of the number of entries in your blog.
Newly Digital (May 5, 2003) Newly Digital is an experimental writing project. I've asked 11 people to write about their early experiences with computing technology and post their essays on their weblogs. So go read, enjoy, and then contribute. This collection is open to you. Write up your own story, and then let the world know about it.