Need someone to lead product management at your software company? I create software for people that create software and I'm looking for my next opportunity. Check out my resume and get in touch.

This is the blog of Adam Kalsey. Unusual depth and complexity. Rich, full body with a hint of nutty earthiness.

September 2020 Archives

How to understand your product and your market September 30, 2020
A customer development question you can ask to find out who your product is best for and why they’ll love it.

Developer Experience Principle 2: Easy to Use September 28, 2020
Making it Easy to Use means letting the developer do everything without involving you.

Developer Experience Principle 1: Easy to Understand September 25, 2020
To create a great developer experience, you must strive for a product that is Easy to Understand. Reduce the amount of thinking that someone needs to do. Make their first encounter with your product clear and easy.

The Components of A Developer Experience September 19, 2020
Making your API a well-rounded product will help developers decide if your API is right for them and help grow their usage.

Principles of Developer Experience: An Introduction September 15, 2020
You can create a great developer experience for everything you build. Introducing the six principles of developer experience.

The KPI that measures Product-Market Fit September 9, 2020
If you ask this question to a different small group of your users every week, you can measure trends over time to determine if you’re moving toward product-market fit.

Don't use NPS to measure user happiness for enterprise software September 7, 2020
Measuring the satisfaction and enjoyment of end users is a key to unlocking product-led growth. Net Promoter Score is the wrong tool for this.

Ask One Question To Help You Reach Product-Market Fit September 3, 2020
Learn what adjacent problems you need to solve to become twice as valuable to your customers.