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This is the blog of Adam Kalsey. Unusual depth and complexity. Rich, full body with a hint of nutty earthiness.

December 2018 Archives

Do you need a 1:1 if you’re regularly communicating with your team? December 28, 2018
You’re simply not having deep meaningful conversation about the process of work in hallway conversations or in your chat apps.

What agenda items should a manager bring to a 1:1? December 23, 2018
At least 80% of a 1:1 agenda should be driven by your report, but if you also to use this time to work on things with them, then you’ll have better meetings.

Handling “I don’t have anything to talk about” in your 1:1s December 21, 2018
When someone says they have nothing to discuss, they’re almost always thinking too narrowly.

What should you talk about in a 1:1? December 19, 2018
Who sets the agenda? What should you discuss, and what should you avoid discussing?