February 2007 Archives
Topps facts
Topps facts — Topps baseball card trivia from a 6 year old USA Today article....
ServerBeach outage?
Popular hosting company Server Beach is having some problems.
Jumpcut Case Study- Startup Review Blog
Jumpcut Case Study- Startup Review Blog — How online video editor Jumpcut went from launch...
Jabber @ OSCON 2004
Jabber @ OSCON 2004 — Jabber presentations from the 2004 OSCON. Includes bot for monitoring...
Tips for Writing Nicer Site Badges
Tips for Writing Nicer Site Badges — Suggestions for writing more browser friendly JavaScript widgets....
FirePHP — Firefox extension and PEAR package for debugging PHP apps. (via)...
Magic Groups - A ScreenCast
Magic Groups - A ScreenCast — A screencast and instructions on how to build a...
Multi-Column Layouts Climb Out of the Box
Multi-Column Layouts Climb Out of the Box — Combining several techniques for a good liquid...
The Truth About SEO
The Truth About SEO — Great comment detailing some simple white hat SEO techniques....
Translation From PR-Speak to English of Selected Portions of Macrovision CEO Fred Amoroso's Response to Steve Jobs's 'Thoughts on Music'
Translation From PR-Speak to English of Selected Portions of Macrovision CEO Fred Amoroso’s Response to...
New Feed Crier networks
Feed Crier now supports Jabber, MSN, and Google Talk.
Startup Locations
Does it matter where you locate your startup? While it seems that the SF Bay Area is the most fertile breeding ground for startups, is it necessary to launch there?
Sucky shirt
I told Mike Arrington he sucks and all I got was this lousy t-shirt....
Technorati’s logo for their new service looks familiar