Need someone to lead product management at your software company? I build high-craft software and the teams that build it. I'm looking for my next opportunity. Check out my resume and get in touch.

This is the blog of Adam Kalsey. Unusual depth and complexity. Rich, full body with a hint of nutty earthiness.

November 2005 Archives

Web 2.0 Bingo November 23, 2005
A bingo board for Web 2.0 terms.

Angel funding through AdSense November 19, 2005
Kevin Burton has a clever new way to fund his startup.

Are Branded feed readers the answer? November 17, 2005
Brand Autopsy compares RSS subscriptions to Starbucks and says publishers need to provide the cup. What if there was no cup?

Where do the RSS ad startups fit in? November 16, 2005
Yahoo’s RSS advertising service could spell trouble for pure-play RSS advertising services unless they adapt their business model.

How Yahoo's RSS Advertising works November 16, 2005
Here’s look at how Yahoo’s RSS ads work and a comparison to the ad insertion techniques of some of the other players.

Yahoo launches RSS advertising service November 16, 2005
Yahoo has entered the RSS advertising market.

Attending Riya launch November 14, 2005
I’ll be attending the Riya alpha launch party at the "TechCrunch house" on Friday. If you’re there, grab me and say hi.

A better Mousetrap November 8, 2005
AdSense is now displaying ads for "no harm" animal traps on my site.

The mouse and me November 7, 2005
Not only is the mouse very destructive, but it’s evaded all attempts to capture or kill it so far.

Pitching Bloggers November 2, 2005
Forget what you learned in your PR classes. Start acting like a human instead of a marketer, and the humans behind the blogs will respond.