Need someone to lead product management at your software company? I create software for people that create software and I'm looking for my next opportunity. Check out my resume and get in touch.

This is the blog of Adam Kalsey. Unusual depth and complexity. Rich, full body with a hint of nutty earthiness.

February 2001 Archives

Marketplace agrees with me February 26, 2001
Those who have been paying attention will know my irritation with those who speak doom...

Party Photojournal February 21, 2001
I usually have my digital camera out during my parties and I keep getting asked...

The Internet is NOT going out of business February 20, 2001
People keep asking me about the dot-com dream falling apart and asking if I’m worried....

WebHancer February 18, 2001
Ever heard of a product called webHancer? I hope you never do. The name implies...

One-Click Patent is One Step Closer To Being Overturned February 14, 2001
Amazon raised the ire ofthe Web development community in 1999 for their patent on one-click...

Napster On The Ropes February 12, 2001
Since everyone else is talking about Napster today, I might as well, too. And so,...

Selling Content Management February 9, 2001
If you’re in the Web consulting business and you’ve ever had trouble selling a client...

School Violence and Slander February 8, 2001
In the days after Columbine, school officials around the country pleaded with students to inform...

This is the last thing men want to hear February 7, 2001
Implant Achieves Female Orgasm A device used to treat back pain has a pleasing side-effect,...