Speaking for Geeks: Your Slides (December 12, 2015) Tips and tricks for creating great slides.
7 items tagged with speakingforgeeks
Related tags: abstract meetup speaking talk startupdigest
Speaking for Geeks: Writing Your Talk (December 12, 2015) Don't wait until the night before the talk to write it. Crazy, I know.
Speaking for Geeks: Tell a Story (December 12, 2015) Telling a story keeps your presentation focused, keeps your audience interested, and makes it easier for you to remember your talk.
Speaking for Geeks: Where to speak (December 12, 2015) You've got a great idea for a talk. How do you find conferences to submit it to?
Speaking for Geeks: Getting your session accepted (December 12, 2015) Your conference speaking submissions are not getting accepted because they're bad. Here's how to make them better.
Speaking for Geeks: What Should I Talk About? (December 12, 2015) Don't wait for that conference to come calling before you start planning for it.
You should speak at conferences. Yes, you. (December 12, 2015) Developers, you should give talks at conferences and your local meetups. It's easier than you think, and you'll improve your career.