Need someone to lead product management at your software company? I create software for people that create software and I'm looking for my next opportunity. Check out my resume and get in touch.

What do you do?

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If you are out looking for a job (as I am), your friends and family often want to pitch in and help. The problem is, unless they are in the same industry as you, they may have trouble understanding what you do and what sort of job you are looking for. And if people outside your industry don’t understand what you do, then perhaps recruiters, HR departments, and even people in your industry don’t understand exactly what you do.

Sales people and marketers often have what they call their elevator speach. If you only had 30 seconds in an elevator to explain what you are selling, what would you say? Job hunters need an elevator speach. Here’s mine:

I do software management, mainly for Internet software. I also do consulting and project management for the implementation of Internet software.

Does that make sense to you? If not, let me know how I can improve it.

Bill Hughes
March 11, 2006 7:03 AM

We hear what you do but how do we know what we get or experience if we do it with you? Your message needs to differentiate you from the hoards of tech people that do what you say you do... Where is the WOW? When this is done right the natural follow up question is: How do you do that? It opens the dialog and sets the stage for you to enroll your audience.

This discussion has been closed.

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Adam Kalsey

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